Customer Stories
Check out our customer stories to learn how companies like yours are finding success when implementing Satisloh solutions in their optical manufacturing facilities.
Jimmy Fairly

Jimmy Fairly Lab, launched in 2019, rapidly scaled to assemble 1,400 frames daily for over 148 boutiques across Europe. To streamline operations and enhance sustainability, the lab integrated Satisloh’s E-Ticket System in 2024 – with great success.
Vision Rx Lab

A partnership spanning decades! Discover how the company developed to a key player in the industry by the help of Satisloh.

Cacique, founded in 2005 by Rosevandro and Vanessa, has grown from a small surfacing lab in Brazil to a successful laboratory producing more than 600 lenses daily, driven by their focus on quality and innovation.
Maui Jim

A global polarized sunglasses brand, set out to fully digitize its lens production with Satisloh´s surfacing & coating technology
LESA France

LESA, a 42-year-old French family enterprise now led by its second generation, has made significant strides in the realm of visual aids.

Satisloh Film Lamination allows independent retailer Dietz-McLean Optical to extend next day service by adding in-house coating.
Optik Weber

The relationship between Optik Weber and Satisloh is a personal one, due to the professional tenure of Martin Ulm and Korhan Gazi (CEOs of Optik Weber) at Satisloh.
Value Rx

How Moises Zuriarrain realized his dream of creating a different model of optical centers by the help of Satisloh.
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